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The Specificity of Formation of Readiness for Professional Self-Realization of Blind and Visually Impaired Children in Special (Correctional) Schools of the Ural Region: Historical Aspect
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Abstract: The article defines the concept of "professional self-realization of individuals with visual impairments" and its criteria, is characterized by specific, inherent only in the Ural region, particularly the training of children with visual impairments in special (correctional) boarding schools for professional, dedicated and scientifically based three historical stages of preparing children with visual deprivation in these educational institutions, defined criteria for selection of these stages. The author of the article reveals the content of the activity under consideration of educational institutions to create the conditions and organization of the educational process for the implementation of pre-vocational and pre-vocational training of children with disorders of the visual analyzer at each historical stage, as the professions of intellectual labor and blue-collar workers.
Key words: Self realization, self realization professional, visually impaired children, special (correction) boarding school for the blind and visually impaired children.
For citation
Konyukhova, E. Y. The Specificity of Formation of Readiness for Professional Self-Realization of Blind and Visually Impaired Children in Special (Correctional) Schools of the Ural Region: Historical Aspect / E. Y. Konyukhova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №3. – P. 131-136.