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Phenomenon of Subjectivity in the Theory and Practice of Pedagogy
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Abstract: The introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards in the school system sets new requirements for a pupil who becomes an active subject of his/her life activity. In modern science, the study of the phenomenon of the subject of education is based on the personal qualities of the individual. Such quality is described in this article as ―subjectivity‖. In this connection it is necessary to determine the level of formation of subjectivity of pupils in the learning process at school. It should be noted that subjectivity as the main quality of the individual includes a set of properties (motivation, liability, self-control, etc.) necessary for the development of a fully-fledged person. The phenomenon of subjectivity is studied in the prism of the subject category. Subjectivity is part of the subject. Therefore, the invariant basis for the development of subjectivity of pupils of all ages is education activity. It should be kept in mind that subjectivity, as a prerequisite to the development of the pupil, cannot be imported from outside, it is formed gradually. Subjectivity begins to form under external influences which, however, are not decisive. External influences are specially organized activities of teachers working with pupils through the converted content of the educational material. In this process, the teacher and the pupil perform equally important educational roles. Consequently, subjectivity is a personal property, which reveals the essence of the human way of being. Subjectivity consists in conscious and active relation to the world and in world positioning of an individual as a person.
Key words: Subjectivity; the subject of activity; education; personality.
For citation
Gusakova, M. A. Phenomenon of Subjectivity in the Theory and Practice of Pedagogy / M. A. Gusakova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №4. – P. 90-95.