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The Methods of Training Dialogue at the Russian Language Lessons in Primary Schools: The Questions of Theory and Practice
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Abstract: While working out the methodology of organization of classroom dialogue at primary school lessons of Russian it is necessary to include in the process and result of teaching not only the aim of transfer and assimilation of knowledge, but also of actualization of ―intellectual, moral-spiritual and creative‖ (according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education) potential of the pupil’s personality. Nevertheless, despite the proclaimed dialogic character of education at the lessons of Russian in the 3rd form, both content and form of tasks in the majority of cases do not presuppose a field for creating interesting classroom dialogue situations. Therefore, it is necessary to search for didactic possibilities that would allow discovery and maximum realization the potential of the school Russian language lessons in the identified direction. The proposed authored methodology combines the following stages: general acquaintance of pupils with dialogic form of instruction, learning the methods of communication and rules of organization of dialogic relations, training and development of dialogic skills at the lesson and use of dialogic skills in new classroom situations. Each stage involves a change of priority of dialogue functions, the leading role of different participants of dialogue situations, texts (content) and methods and techniques of inclusion into the situation of the dialogue. As a result of immersion into the methodology of organization of dialogue at the lessons of Russian, the 3rd form pupils form the ability to see not only the concrete cognitive purpose, but also the communicative-developing and socio-orienting aims of the education process; the skills of interpersonal interaction with other people are further perfected and the role of the subject of educational, cognitive and any other activity is raised high.
Key words: Dialogue; dialogic form of communication; classroom dialogue; primary school lessons of Russian; methods of organization of classroom dialogue of junior primary school pupils.
For citation
Zaitseva, E. A. The Methods of Training Dialogue at the Russian Language Lessons in Primary Schools: The Questions of Theory and Practice / E. A. Zaitseva, E. V. Korotaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №4. – P. 96-101.