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Organizational-Pedagogical Conditions of the Use of Computer Programs in the Primary School Classroom
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Abstract: Introduction of recent achievements in multimedia-Dinah technologies in education allows facilitating the work of the teacher, improving the pupils' motivation to learn, efficiency and quality of education. An increase in the mental load at lessons makes one think about how to maintain the pupils' interest to the subject, their activity and concentration throughout the lesson. The use of computer software allows the teacher to create an information environment that would stimulate interest and curiosity of the child. At lessons of the Russian language primary school pupils learn about the sources of information and the ways of searching for it, at reading lessons create short computer texts — mini-essays, at foreign language lessons learn to use a computer-based dictionary for translating and writing a text in a foreign language, at math and computer science lessons the pupils represent, analyze and interpret data while working with texts, tables, diagrams, and simple graphs, at lessons of the surrounding world students in various computer environments create information models, layouts, messages and pictures. The use of computer programs in the education process can effectively solve the problem of visualization of learning, to empower visualization of educational material, making it more understandable and accessible to modern pupils, easy to search, process and transfer the necessary educational material, which promotes the formation of information competences of pupils.
Key words: Lesson with computer support; computer program; interactive map; interactive poster; conditions of use of computer programs.
For citation
Artemieva, V. V. Organizational-Pedagogical Conditions of the Use of Computer Programs in the Primary School Classroom / V. V. Artemieva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №4. – P. 127-132.