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Axiological Approach to the Study of the Course "History of Russian Literature" in Higher School (Based on Mikhail Bulgakov's Stories about the Civil War)
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Abstract: The axiological approach to the study of socio-cultural phenomena is increasingly influencing the education system, because values have always been a specific tool for managing creative process. A special role in this process is played by the study of Russian literature, which accumulates rich aesthetic and moral-philosophical potential of not only current, but also previous epochs. In the minds of Russian intellectuals, social issues have always been intertwined with questions of God and faith, righteousness and the truth about the good and the evil. That is why the best writers have been not only masters of the word, but also philosophers. The article studies the axiological approach to training University students, based on the stories by Mikhail Bulgakov about the Civil War, as well as the prospects for an interdisciplinary study of literary phenomena in the area, where philology and philosophy overlap each other. The axiological approach allows detecting internal patterns of the artistic world of the writer, to evaluate the significance of individual works not only in his heritage, but also in the history of literature. Acquaintance with the ethical views of Russian and foreign philosophical thought gives one the opportunity to reflect on the work of the writer in a broad socio-cultural context.
Key words: Literature; Bulgakov; axiological approach; training, value markers, moral law.
For citation
Petrov, V. B. Axiological Approach to the Study of the Course "History of Russian Literature" in Higher School (Based on Mikhail Bulgakov's Stories about the Civil War) / V. B. Petrov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №6. – P. 75-79.