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Russian Students’ Idea of Friendship in the Early XXIst Century
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Abstract: The article addresses the representation of socially significant concepts in the ordinary consciousness of modern Russian students. It is noted that consciousness is a heterogeneous formation, and according to its penetration into the essence of phenomena, it is possible to distinguish theoretically organized and ordinary consciousness. Ordinary consciousness is a spontaneous way of realization by people of their daily experience. By studying it one gets the idea of concepts: mental constructs created on the basis of daily experience of representatives of various communities, including age-related ones. The role of association experiment, one of the most productive ways of study of the essence and structure of concepts, is also mentioned in the article. The analysis of substantial and structural features of the concept "Friendship" is carried out with young native speakers of Russian on the basis of the data obtained by means of the associative experiments carried out with the first and second year students at USTU-UPI (URFU now). It is noted that the considerable ambiguity of representation of the studied concept in the ordinary consciousness is conditioned by the nature and spontaneity of the latter, as well as the influence on the constructs being formed by both standard opinions or estimates concerning a subject or phenomenon, and the role of unique individual experience in this process. And young people clearly realize that friendship means intimacy and consent between friends, necessity to care for the friend, to help him, and to be sincere with him.
Key words: Ordinary consciousness; concept; association experiment; cognitive sign; association; student.
For citation
Konyaeva, E. V. Russian Students’ Idea of Friendship in the Early XXIst Century / E. V. Konyaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №6. – P. 65-70.