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Innovative Methods of Application of Information Technologies in Music Education
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of overcoming the difficulties of mastering conducting in the process of professional training of bachelors of education (Music) students on the basis of informatization of learning activity. The author highlights the role of visual and audio information associated with the multimedia potential of a computer, and on the basis of the undertaken analysis of the subject field, formulates the conditions for active functioning of the channels of internal and external feedback while training conducting movement. In order to raise effectiveness of teaching, attention is paid to the possibility of reflection as a psycho-pedagogical phenomenon. The article provides a brief description of an experimental lesson at which the teacher uses the method of video “communicative control”, as a result of which the student turns from the subject into an object of the process of conducting. The author comes to the conclusion about the advantages of reflexive video control for activization of independent learning activity of students. The materials of the article corroborate the idea that application of music computer technologies and the method of reflexive video training (video control) in particular is capable to widen the information sphere of professional training of bachelors of education (Music).
Key words: Teaching conducting to BE (Music) students ; self-control of learning; reflexive video training.
For citation
Pankevich, R. V. Innovative Methods of Application of Information Technologies in Music Education / R. V. Pankevich // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 147-151.