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A Study of the Concept «Teaching Method» in the «Modern (Global Information and Communication)» Educational Paradigm
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Abstract: In the context of the analyzed notion of "information and communication environment", which is treated as a "disciplinary" aim of the general scientific paradigm, the article considers a new object – a didactic environment, the structure of which should include the following ordered elements of various kinds, which, after specification, form a whole and function as an integrated system: conceptual-methodological part, psycho-pedagogical part, equipment and facilities part, subject-methodological part and subject-management part. The study of the introduced object allows one to single out the functions of modern higher education in its "mass" manifestation, and to clarify the concept of "teaching method" of the modern global information and communication paradigm by treating the method as possessing a property to be perceived by the sense organs of students. The said treatment, demanded by the principle of priority of individuality at the present stage of development of means of communication, may be carried out "with the help of a computer," but it specifies the need to develop new classifications of teaching methods. The methodology of searching for these classifications is characterized by two main assumptions: the transfer of educational information, in the management of its processing, from the teacher to students should be defined by the principle of nature conformity; individualization can be achieved in the system of training, built in the paradigm of the information didactics in the context of computerization ideology. Summing up the results of research in this paper allows to formulate a conclusion, that modern methods of teaching should be built in the didactic field of information and communication environment, i.e. taking into account the introduction of the pedagogical field (a multidimensional object, generated by the drive of the scientific community to preservation and creation) into the information and communication environment, implying a real opportunity of changes by the subjects of educational content and their execution of communicative activity in the process of learning communication.
Key words: Teaching method; information and communication teaching method; teaching environment; information and communication environment; modern (global information and communication) educational paradigm; disciplinary matrix.
For citation
Semenova, I. N. A Study of the Concept «Teaching Method» in the «Modern (Global Information and Communication)» Educational Paradigm / I. N. Semenova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 112-119.