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Indicators of Efficiency of E-Learning in the Framework of State Accreditation
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Abstract: Normative documents on accreditation of educational institutions are amended as a result of changes in the Law "About Education", and namely article 16 "Realization of Educational Programs with Application of Electronic Training and Remote Educational Technologies". State accreditation of educational activity is carried out on the main educational programs realized according to the federal state standard, therefore, the realization of educational programs with application of exclusively electronic training demands undergoing an accreditation examination by experts. For establishment of a clear-cut order of execution of functions of state accreditation of educational institutions by Rosobrnadzor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a project of an expert assessment of educational activity based on of e-learning is offered. The article deals with the question of compliance of indicators of carrying out accreditation examination with the requirements of the standard and defines the differences between the content of the notions “remote education technologies”, “distance education” and “e-learning”. The indicators under consideration should be used while organizing self-learning of educational programs, realized with the help of e-learning with the purpose of raising the quality of education and establishing a clear-cut order of execution of functions of state accreditation.
Key words: Accreditation; e-learning; distance learning; examination; accreditation indicator.
For citation
Nikulina, T. V. Indicators of Efficiency of E-Learning in the Framework of State Accreditation / T. V. Nikulina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 106-112.