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Methods of Formation of Students’ Competence of Designing Personal Learning Environment as a Component of General Professional Competence
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Abstract: In the framework of solution of contradiction between the need of learners to use the didactic possibilities of the personal learning environment (PLE) in the learning process and the insufficient development of the theoretical foundations of the problem of formation of skills of PLE design and use in educational and cognitive activity, the article substantiates the idea of considering the students’ competence to design their PLE as a component of the general professional competence. On the basis of the formulated idea and with the aim to clarify the notion of PLE and single out its structural components, it is possible to build a model of methodology of formation of students’ competence to design a PLE as a set of interconnected elements: goal orientation, principles, activity structure of the students’ competence to design a PLE, methods, technologies and means of formation of the specified actions. Focusing the reader’s attention on the activity aspect of the proposed methodology, the authors introduce the sequence of the teacher’s actions for the formation of the students’ competence to design their PLE, including creation of a diagnostic background, specification of the learning tasks simultaneously defining the level of achievement of education results, specification of the constituent didactic units of content, acquaintance of students with the PLE structural components and formation of abilities of their use for solution of educational tasks; they also single out a reflexive-evaluative stage. The suggested criteria for identification of the levels of formation of the students’ competence to design their PLE may allow the teacher to formulate the corresponding diagnostic conclusions.
Key words: Personal learning environment; competence of designing personal learning environment; general professional competence; information and communication technologies.
For citation
Slepukhin, A. V. Methods of Formation of Students’ Competence of Designing Personal Learning Environment as a Component of General Professional Competence / A. V. Slepukhin, L. V. Lezhnina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 126-135.