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Specificity of Methods of Teaching Computer Science Using Virtual Learning Environment
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the discussion of issues related to the choice of methods of teaching while using virtual learning environment. The use of virtual learning environment changes the teaching content and methods and forms of organization of learning. Classical verbal and visual techniques are not able to fully secure the organization of joint activities of students. Thus, it is necessary to expand the available set of teaching methods. The article discusses the concept of virtual learning environment and the essence of the approaches to the definition of a personal learning environment, highlighting its structural components. The author describes the possibilities of its use in teaching schoolchildren computer science. The article also presents an analysis of didactic possibilities of cloud services when building a virtual learning environment. Then, the article enumerates possible methods of teaching while using virtual learning environment. The use of the selected teaching methods will enhance the communicative motivation of pupils, develop their information and communication competence and increase the effectiveness of pupils’ interaction.
Key words: Virtual learning environment; personal learning environment of a teacher; personal environment of a learner; methods of teaching.
For citation
Kuvina, A. S. Specificity of Methods of Teaching Computer Science Using Virtual Learning Environment / A. S. Kuvina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №7. – P. 64-70.