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Application of Screen Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching At Secondary General School
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the use of screen technologies at foreign language lessons, analyzing their evolution and trends of development. Modern screen technologies are the basis of screen culture (a fundamentally new paradigm of communication between people), which has been developing in the society intensively since the late 19th century. Screen technologies are a subspecies of information and communication technologies. Nowadays, they are widely used in practical English language teaching. Modern screen technologies in the education process are based on the use of the following components: a PC / a laptop, projection equipment and a touch screen / an interactive board (a whiteboard). The author examines the evolution of every component of screen technologies and their distinctive features in school language learning. The article points out the fact that the first technical learning tool – the light-projection apparatus ―Magic Lantern‖ (laterna magica, A. Kircher, Germany, 1640), is a prototype of the modern technical means of screen technologies, including the interactive whiteboard. The modern trend in the development of screen technologies consists in the fact that the screen is able to replace the entire system, a part of which it used to be. Despite all the opportunities of screen technologies in foreign language teaching, there are some serious problems in the education process: schools are insufficiently equipped with touch/interactive boards and teachers are not properly trained for their effective application in learning.
Key words: Foreign language; foreign language teaching; information and communication technologies, screen technologies; interactive whiteboard.
For citation
Romanova, G. V. Application of Screen Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching At Secondary General School / G. V. Romanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №8. – P. 41-45.