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The Interactive Whiteboard as the Screen Technical Training Aids of Foreign Language Teaching for Implementing the Modern Method of Work with Foreign Information
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Abstract: The article reveals the possibility of using the interactive whiteboard in the practice of foreign language teaching. The author of the article analyzes some definitions of “interactive whiteboard” given in the foreign sources of information. According to these definitions, the basic functions of the interactive whiteboard are revealed. In the study, the definition of "the interactive whiteboard in foreign language teaching" relating to the educational terminology has been formulated. The article also deals with the basic functions of the interactive whiteboard as the screen technical training aids of foreign language teaching and the main lines of these functions. The author describes the technologies for implementing the modern method of work with foreign information with the use of the interactive whiteboard in foreign language lessons at the comprehensive school. The article reveals some advantages of using the interactive whiteboard in foreign schools and describes the ones of using the interactive whiteboard for foreign language teachers in schools of Russia. In conclusion, it is noted that the use of the interactive whiteboard in the foreign language classroom allows teachers to fully realize the modern method of working with foreign language information, improve the learning outcomes of students and the quality of teaching of foreign language teachers in secondary schools of the Russian Federation.
Key words: Foreign language; foreign language teaching; interactive whiteboard, functions of interactive whiteboard, technologies for implementing modern methods of work with foreign information, advantages of using interactive whiteboard at school.
For citation
Romanova, G. V. The Interactive Whiteboard as the Screen Technical Training Aids of Foreign Language Teaching for Implementing the Modern Method of Work with Foreign Information / G. V. Romanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №9. – P. 28-33.