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Critical Thinking as an Instrument of Gender Analysis
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Abstract: The problem of truthfulness and falsehood of “obvious” is extremely acute in today's world and needs a deep theoretical rethinking. Conceptual foundations of the study of this phenomenon as intuitively feelings of authenticity had been found in the works of R. Descartes, E. Husserl, M. Mamardashvili. The current use of the term “obvious” has a figurative meaning of being subjective based on stereotypes of perception. The comparison of philosophical, sociological, psychological meaning of the concepts “obvious” and “stereotype” determines the need for recourse of the category “critical thinking”; which is an important condition for the formation of an objective opinion. Critical thinking is a complex personal entity responsible for the ability of a person to give an objective assessment of current events and to adequately respond to them. Its development is the prerogative of high school. This is enshrined in the Federal state educational standards, according to which different elements of critical thinking are included in the list of common cultural and professional competences for undergraduate and graduate students. Having come to the practical level, the article examines the possibility of applying critical analysis as a tool to solve current problems in the sphere of gender relations. The results of sociological research show the effectiveness of this approach on condition of university’s active educational impact.
Key words: Critical thinking; the “obvious” problem; social stereotypes; higher education; gender.
For citation
Shvetsova, A. V. Critical Thinking as an Instrument of Gender Analysis / A. V. Shvetsova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №9. – P. 72-76 .