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Ribaldry of Teenagers: Essence, Features, Psychological and Pedagogical Propaedeutics
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Abstract: The article substantiates the essence, factors and peculiarities of ribaldry among teenagers, revealing in the usage of verbal aggressive means of communication, which damage self-appraisal and successful communicative attitude in relations with age-mates. The author studies a phenomenon of the ribaldry among teenagers and works out ways and methods of primary prevention. Psychological and pedagogical propaedeutics of ribaldry as the primary prevention is represented as a system of measures of an educational psychologist’s professional activity, directed at a timely identification of personal and psychological features of younger teenagers disposed to ribaldry and arrangement of conditions preventing possible trouble in development. The psychological and pedagogical programme is an effective way of prevention. The content of prevention realises in following consequence: emotional and behavioural, cognitive, and reflexive stages. The psychological and pedagogical propaedeutics of ribaldry among teenagers is revealed as a systematic activity of educational psychologist which includes organisational and propaedeutic, educational and propaedeutic, and educational work with parents and family bringing up a teenager. The results of the empirical research confirming the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical programme are given. The reliability of the carried out work among younger teenagers is provided with prolonged investigation. Frequency of using ribaldry among teenagers who have participated in the programme of its propaedeutics is significantly lower in comparison with teenagers who were not included in the program.
Key words: Aggressive behavior, verbal aggression, ribaldry, deviant behavior, teenagers, psychological and pedagogical propaedeutics.
For citation
Dubrovina, D. A. Ribaldry of Teenagers: Essence, Features, Psychological and Pedagogical Propaedeutics / D. A. Dubrovina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №9. – P. 52-56.