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On Effective Forms of Legal Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation
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Abstract: The article examines the current state of legal awareness of the Russian youth on the background of the low legal culture of young people. The most important reasons of existence of the problem run as follows: 1) absence of mass legal educational work among the population by the state and public organizations; 2) poor quality of social and legal education in the general education organizations due to small number of hours allotted to teaching the course "Law" and inadequate competence of teachers in this field; 3) lack of effective forms of legal promotion through mass media; 4) formation of positive attitude to real offenses in the minds of young people in a number of modern films and works of fiction due to the absence of appropriate control over legal and moral characteristics of works of culture by public authorities. The article substantiates possible variants and forms of implementation of legal education of citizens providing appropriate formation of legal literacy of students and their civil liability in everyday life. It formulates legislative initiatives aimed at formation of effective system of legal education of the population in general and children in particular in the country.
Key words: Legal education; presumed knowledge of the law; legal education; the course «Law»; additional education; juridical club.
For citation
Andreeva, E. E. On Effective Forms of Legal Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation / E. E. Andreeva, G. B. Morozov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 75-81.