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Socio-Pedagogical Technology of Gender-based Education of Senior Preschool Children
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Abstract: The article presents an original authored socio-pedagogical technology of gender-based education of preschool children. It dwells on the content of the notions of “gender”, “education” and “socio-pedagogical technology”. Gender, as different from the biological category of sex, is a socio-cultural construct which is being continually changed by various social institutes such as family, education system, mass media and religious organizations. Gender is formed in the process of socialization. Gender-based education of preschool children is treated as a process of formation in children of notions about themselves as belonging to a certain sex and having their own gender identity and as a process of mastering certain models of gender behavior on the basis of socio-cultural and moral-spiritual values of the society. Sociopedagogical technology of gender-based education of senior preschool children is a unity of psychopedagogical conditions regulating renewal of content of the education process, stages, forms and methods of the teacher’s work aimed at education of the fundamentals of the gender culture of children. The article formulates the tasks and methods of the suggested technology. The tasks run as follows: formation in children of notions about themselves as belonging to a certain sex, about individual diversity of behavior and achievements of men and women, about the cultural diversity of manifestations of femininity and masculinity, about the social status of men and women; acquaintance with moral-ethical values and values of social equality; formation of partnership relations and communication between boys and girls in the spirit of equality; creation of conditions for self expression irrespective of sex. The methods are divided into traditional (games, everyday life, real situations, talks) and non-traditional ones (case study, lapbook, classification of social functions of men and women, creation of the situation of success, V. Propp maps).
Key words: Gender; education; gender-based education of preschool children; socio-pedagogical technology of gender-based education of senior preschool children; gender culture of preschool children.
For citation
Kuchukova, A. V. Socio-Pedagogical Technology of Gender-based Education of Senior Preschool Children / A. V. Kuchukova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 82-88.