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Training Highly Qualified Specialists in Applied Fields of Knowledge in Non-governmental Higher Education Institutions of China: Experience of Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages Institute
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Abstract: Higher educational institutions of China, as well as other developed countries, train both scientific workers and practical specialists. The need for the latter has been constantly growing in recent years, and important role in their training belongs to non-governmental higher educational establishments. The article formulates the main requirements to the training of specialists in non-governmental higher educational institutions: 1) students should be given both deep theoretical knowledge and practical experience of work in a big company; 2) special attention in training should be paid to the formation of skills of urgent problems solution; 3) in training students higher educational institutions should cooperate with enterprises and agencies of the social sphere; 4) it is necessary to solve serious problems in the education process: gap between theory and practice, monologic style of material presentation, inadequate taking into account of abilities and aptitudes of students, overestimation of evaluation by scores and not by personal properties and abilities. The article describes the realization of these principles by the Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages Institute. As a result of measures described in the article the institute achieved rather significant favorable outcomes. The students do not only get fundamental knowledge but also develop their general erudition. The best indicator of the university’s success is constant demand of its graduates: for 5 years running 95% of them find employment. Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages Institute makes a considerable contribution to the development of the system of non-governmental higher education in China.
Key words: Non-governmental education; higher professional education; applied specialty; management of education; international cooperation.
For citation
Zhang, Wei. Training Highly Qualified Specialists in Applied Fields of Knowledge in Non-governmental Higher Education Institutions of China: Experience of Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages Institute / Wei Zhang // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 241-246.