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Touches to the Portrait of the Hero of the Soviet Union Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Sergey Yakovlevich Batarshev (In Celebration of His 100th Anniversary)
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the scientific pedagogical activity of S.Y. Batyshev and his contribution to the development of continuing professional education. S.Y. Batyshev was a Hero of the Soviet Union, an outstanding worker of science of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, full member of the New York Academy of Sciences and five other international academies, author of more than four hundred publications (textbooks, monographs, teaching aids and scientific articles) in professional pedagogy. He was in at the beginning of the Scientific Research Institute of Professional Technical Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR in Kazan in 1975 and took part in the foundation of Sverdlovsk Engineering Pedagogical Institute in 1979 (now it is the Russian State Professional Pedagogical University). S.Y. Batyshev initiated research in pedagogy of professional technical education. He took an active part in the foundation and development of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Professional-Technical Education – the first scientific institution in the field of professional technical education in the country. S.Y. Batyshev created the scientific school “Professional Pedagogy as a Theory of Continuing Education” which carried out purposeful development of methodological approaches to the study of professional pedagogy and theory of continuing education.
Key words: Batyshev Sergey Yakovlevich; Russian Academy of Education; New York Academy of Sciences; continuing professional education.
For citation
Batarshev, A. V. Touches to the Portrait of the Hero of the Soviet Union Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Sergey Yakovlevich Batarshev (In Celebration of His 100th Anniversary) / A. V. Batarshev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 247-254.