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The Role of a Scientific Journal in Shaping Modern Scientific Knowledge (On the Example of the Work of the Editorial Committee and the Editorial Board of the Journal “Business. Education. Law.”)
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Abstract: Russia entered the 21st century in a new capacity, realizing its resource potential to the full. The vast experience of all economic, social and political transformations of the 20th century, technological solutions of using natural resources, scientific solutions in all areas of scientific knowledge allowed forming a new development strategy of the country. An important role in the formation of new scientific knowledge and the scientific public opinion belongs to VAK scientific journals of Russia. The most urgent scientific problems of social life and events in all spheres of human activity find coverage on the pages of these journals. The article presents works along various lines of investigation in pedagogical sciences published in the scientific journal "Business. Education. Law." In the past eight years – from 2008 onwards. The article analyzes the proposals and conclusions of the authors on the problems under study and perspectives of the activities of the scientific peer-reviewed journal in this scientific field. The article suggests topics of research for future authors of the journal, discusses the prospects of further work, possibilities of raising efficiency of promoting the development of Russian pedagogical science and scientific knowledge in Russia. The authors formulated their vision of the journal’s activities.
Key words: Trend, development, research, report, survey, scientific publication, publishing activity, scientific and educational activity, forecast.
For citation
Vashchenko, A. N. The Role of a Scientific Journal in Shaping Modern Scientific Knowledge (On the Example of the Work of the Editorial Committee and the Editorial Board of the Journal “Business. Education. Law.”) / A. N. Vashchenko, I. N. Kozubtsov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 255-265.