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Comparative Literature Studies as a University Discipline
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Abstract: The article presents a conception of teaching the discipline “Comparative Literature Studies” designed for students of philological specialties of Tyumen State University. The course of Comparative Literature Studies is usually based on the traditional interpreted historical principle; nevertheless, unification typical of such conception cannot be taken as the basic assumption. The main task in teaching Comparative Literature Studies today consists in providing students with a possibility to see broad and diverse perspectives of the comparative method, to master various ways of comparative study of literature realia and to learn to use different research techniques. Theretico-methodological aspect comes to the forefront in the study of comparative disciplines; it presupposes that today it is not sufficient to keep to a single line of research in teaching a theoretical subject; rather, it is necessary to proceed from the assumption about equality (“equal importance”) of scientific paradigms. Thus, the foundation of the suggested conception of teaching the given course is made up by a paradigmatic approach stimulating students to make a conscientious choice of a certain paradigm when writing scientific papers. Ways of realization of this approach are illustrated on the material of the reader “Comparative Literature Studies” compiled by the teaching staff of Department of Foreign Literature. By now it has become absolutely clear that the reader as the only textbook is not enough, because its material is too complex if we mean to use it as a source of tasks for independent work of students; an additional textbook is necessary for explanation of the basic moments of comparative studies in a concise form.
Key words: Comparative Literature Studies, comparative studies, paradigmatic approach, training manual, teaching experience.
For citation
Danilina, G. I. Comparative Literature Studies as a University Discipline / G. I. Danilina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №1. – P. 36-41.