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Axiological Readiness of Youth to Information Impact of Internet
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Abstract: The goal of the article is to identify the characteristics of valuable sphere of young people as a basis for readiness for the impact of the Internet information environment. Value orientation and the structure of the sphere of values are studied from the point of view of "vulnerability" to the impact of the Internet. The article provides an analysis of the role of the Internet environment in the life of modern youth; it reveals its role in the changes in the structure and content of the sphere of values of young people. The following empirical research methods were used: descriptive statistics, contingency tables, and psychological diagnosis of young people (17-25 years old, n = 1200) with the help of questionnaire introduced by Sh. Schwartz. The main results show the presence of the five most common value profiles of young people ("Plastic", "Perfectionist", "Socio-oriented," "Search-driven" "Hedonic").). Each of them determines the characteristics of a typical behavior of young people (including the search for sources of information and its preferred characteristics) and has specific areas of "vulnerability" to the impact of the Internet. The results of the study can be used in prevention of destructive behavior of young people and preventing the active involvement of young people in antisocial communities in the Internet space.
Key words: Sphere of values, value orientation, impact of the Internet, youth, the readiness.
For citation
Vorobyova, I. V. Axiological Readiness of Youth to Information Impact of Internet / I. V. Vorobyova, O. V. Kruzhkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №10. – P. 85-91.