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Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in the General Taxonomy of Mental Disorders of Children
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Abstract: The article describes theoretical aspects of the study of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) of children that exist in Psychology, and analyzes different approaches to the issue in foreign and domestic studies. The article identifies the urgency of the problem, singles out and defines the key concepts of the problem of hyperactivity and presents different viewpoints on the nature of hyperactivity of children. Characteristics of a hyperactive child are provided. In the beginning of the article we formulate the problem of this research, which is the ever increasing number of children with hyperactivity. We present the results of screening tests and the analysis of the stages, factors and components in the development of hyperactivity of children. We reveal the gender features of hyperactivity of children. The article describes different concepts that consider hyperactivity of children from the point of view of medicobiological, psychological and social preconditions of this phenomenon. There are following causes of hyperactivity of children: disbalance of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system, minimal brain dysfunction, i.e. a number of micro-damages of brain structures (resulting from birth trauma, neonatal asphyxia and many similar reasons). The theoretical analysis helps to define the concept of ADHD, the causes and factors of its formation.
Key words: Attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, impaired mental development of children, minimal brain dysfunction, psychological and somatic disorders.
For citation
Naboychenko, E. S. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in the General Taxonomy of Mental Disorders of Children / E. S. Naboychenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №10. – P. 92-96.