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Results of Research of Mother's Attitude to Cerebral Palsy of Her Child
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Abstract: The article considers mothers’ attitude to their children’s disease (71 mothers), which is cerebral palsy. Much attention is given to the role of denial mechanism, in particular to the attitude of mothers to their children's illness. We investigated mothers’ assessment of severity of illness of their children, their attitude to therapy, their ideas about who is responsible for the disease development, their views of the child’s future and emotions and feelings that depend on the degree of intellectual disability. The results of the study contain the specifics of mother’s attitude to her child's illness. It was found that there is no significant difference between mother’s attitude to children with severe and mild degree of intellectual impairment; many mothers believe that cerebral palsy is a curable disease and are positive about the future of the child.
Key words: Mother’s attitude to the child's disability, mechanism of denial, child with cerebral palsy, educational style, vision for the future.
For citation
Steshenko, E. A. Results of Research of Mother's Attitude to Cerebral Palsy of Her Child / E. A. Steshenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №10. – P. 112-119.