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Linguo-Didactic Potential of the Culture Code
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Abstract: The author believes that any language has its own way of conceptualization of the world. A person, being the center of linguistic and cultural worldviews, self-actualizes via the objects of the outer world, the result of which is broadening of the semantics of the words and inclusion of culturological component into the word meaning, turning it into culture code. Culture codes in Russian that are used as secondary nominations of a person are analyzed in the article. The metaphorical transfer is especially typical of the words that name the most important phenomena and notions for people. Phraseological units describing inner and outer qualities of a person in Russian are given as the examples. The author makes the conclusion about the need to group and study secondary nominations of the words according to their culture codes while teaching foreign students Russian. The goal of teaching Russian as a foreign language is to form polycultural language person, which is possible only in case of learning Russian culture codes. This helps to communicate in the Russian linguo-cultural space.
Key words: Secondary nomination; culture code; metaphor; linguistic worldview
For citation
Myagkova, A. M. Linguo-Didactic Potential of the Culture Code / M. A. Myagkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №11. – P. 66-70.