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Communicative Competence Formation of a Teacher Working with Gifted Children and Young People
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Abstract: The paper discusses the issue of the quality of pedagogical interaction between a teacher and gifted children or young people. Communicative competence of a teacher today is one of the key competences, that’s why its formation and development are important and obligatory, especially when the teacher works with gifted children and young people. The paper describes the practical experience of communicative competence formation. This experience is discussed with regard to its further use in the work with gifted children and young people. The author gives an overview of the methods, forms, conditions and stages of communicative competence formation, as well as the method for its assessment. The result of the work is the way of communicative competence formation of a teacher working with gifted children and young people. Such way takes into account the structure of the competence (cognitive, behavioral motivational and value components), and the features of communication with gifted students. The paper may be useful for teachers and managers of educational sphere, higher educational institutions for teachers and the bodies of additional professional education.
Key words: Communicative competence of a teacher working with gifted children and young people; the process communicative competence formation; methods of communicative competence formation; methods of assessment of the level of communicative competence formation; forms and conditions of communicative competence formation.
For citation
Mukhamedyarova, N. A. Communicative Competence Formation of a Teacher Working with Gifted Children and Young People / N. A. Mukhamedyarova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №11. – P. 176-183.