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The Principles of Adaptation of Loanwords in Russian and Chinese (On the Example of Internet Reviews of Electronic Devices)
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Abstract: The article deals with such aspect of modern linguistics as adaptation of loanwords. It is impossible to ensure really effective teaching of a foreign language without learning colloquial vocabulary. And it is colloquial speech that is the most changeable aspect of the language not only in terms of the norm but also due to the constant process of change and enrichment of the lexical aspect of language. The most frequent changes of the vocabulary are caused by various borrowings and the resulting adaptation of loanwords. The given article studies loanwords found by the author in Russian and Chinese Internet surveys of electronic devices. As a result of analysis of the lexical units under study, the author divides them into jargon and professional ones. The comparison of the principles of graphical, phonetical and grammatical adaptation of loanwords makes it possible to make a conclusion about common and different ways of adaptation of neologisms which are observed in the languages under consideration at present. The article considers different types of adaptation and outlines their specific features. Realization of the tendencies in the process of adaptation of foreign words is of certain interest for linguists and can be useful for the people learning foreign languages.
Key words: Loanwords; adaptation; internet-language; Russian; Chinese.
For citation
Tyuleneva, V. N. The Principles of Adaptation of Loanwords in Russian and Chinese (On the Example of Internet Reviews of Electronic Devices) / V. N. Tyuleneva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №11. – P. 100-104.