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Realization of the Andragogical Principle of the Individual Approach to Learning Based on Personal Needs by the Example of Work with a Multinational Group
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the realization of the andragogical principle of individual approach to learning based on the personal needs of the student. The purpose of this work is to compare the mental and linguistic peculiarities of representatives of Laos, and Mali, and to propose possible ways of implementation of the andragogical principle of individual approach to training on the basis of the undertaken analysis. The following methods are used: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature devoted to the issues of andragogy, pedagogy and psychology, as well as mental-linguistic traits of the people of Africa and Asia (particularly Laos and Mali), and supervision of the activities of the named categories of students and analyze the success of different kinds of cognitive activity; experimental use of various methods and ways of working with the specified categories of students. The result of the study was a number of proposals for individualized learning of each national sub-group depending on language, ethnicity, cognitive and some other features. The following conclusions have been made: modern education is not restricted by age limits, but adult learning has a number of specific features; these features, as well as modern trends in the role of the learner in the learning process, should be taken into account by the teacher working with adult students; work with a multinational group of learners requires recognition and national (in the broadest sense) characteristics that will be key to the success of adult education of foreigners.
Key words: Andragogy; the principle of individual approach; personal needs; multinational group; mental-linguistic features.
For citation
Burchenkova, A. A. Realization of the Andragogical Principle of the Individual Approach to Learning Based on Personal Needs by the Example of Work with a Multinational Group / A. A. Burchenkova, I. A. Panevina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №11. – P. 25-30.