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The Category of Graduality in Russian (On the Basis of Phraseology)
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Abstract: The main principles of teaching Russian to foreign students, especially those who speak Chinese, are discussed in the article. Among them: continuity, integration and conformity to natural laws. It is proposed that educational programs in Russian for foreign students should be based on the programs used in Russia to teach Russian students the Russian language. It is proved that phraseology of the Russian language should be given much attention in communicative approach to teaching Russian, the purpose of which is to form language competence. Phraseology helps to learn national ideas about reality. Special attention is paid to the category of graduality on the basis of phraseological units of the Russian language. The main language means of the category of graduality are subjective evaluation means, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs and verbs with the meaning of degree. The article gives classification of phraseological units in Russian, which have a numeral, from the point of view of the degree: 1) “very”, “strong”; 2)”normal”, “standard”, “equal”. Subjective and objective elements of the linguistic theory of graduality are described. Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language are illustrated by the examples (the choice of synonyms or antonyms to phraseological units or their elements).
Key words: Russian as a foreign language; methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language; Chinese students; Russian proverbs and sayings; speech development; educational principle; Russian phraseology; phraseological unit; degrees of comparison.
For citation
Nan, Zhao. The Category of Graduality in Russian (On the Basis of Phraseology) / Zhao Nan // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №12. – P. 165-170.