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Teaching Phraseological Units of Russian as a Foreign Language: Culturological Aspect
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Abstract: The article highlights one of the problems of the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language – how to study phraseology as a specific layer of vocabulary in the framework of a complex approach to the study of a language. Understanding the semantic aspect of phraseological units often demanding historical and cultural commentaries about their origin and meaning is a difficult task for foreigners learning Russian. The need to consider the culturological aspect of phraseological units is motivated by the fact that any national language should be considered and learned in close connection with the formation of the national spirit as the language is the creation of the people. The semantic plane of the language is determined by the national culture. The semantic plane of phraseological units as unique phenomena of the national language is also formed under the influence of national culture. Set phrases reflect the whole essence of the culture and the language of a nation. We find the reflection of the people’s history and everyday life in them. The modern linguistic literature shows that phraseological units are very popular with the researchers. The author convincingly proves that teaching phraseology of Modern Russian takes an important place at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. This facilitates figurative expression of the students’ thoughts and helps to acquire linguo-culturological knowledge and get acquainted with the culture and history of the Russian people and feel at ease in the process of communication.
Key words: Russian as a foreign language; methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language; phraseological units; phraseology in Russian; intercultural communication; linguo-culturology.
For citation
Ley, Chzhan. Teaching Phraseological Units of Russian as a Foreign Language: Culturological Aspect / Chzhan Ley // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №12. – P. 159-161.