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Role Playing as a Method of Training Students of Institutes of Emercom of Russia for Active Cooperation in Emergency Situations
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Abstract: The article deals with problems of professional education and requirements to specialists of fire-protection service capable of solving complicated professional tasks in emergency situations. The article regards the notion of cooperation from the point of view of different authors and defines active cooperation on the basis on special literature survey. The author of the article investigates the ways of improvement of the process of training students of higher educational institutions of EMERCOM of Russia and pays special attention to the formation of active cooperation in emergency situations. The article looks at role playing games as an innovative form of consolidation of knowledge received by students during lectures and seminars; role playing is considered as a means of practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge and also as a field of activity, as a simulation experiment and as a method of teaching, research, and practical tasks solution. The author describes the techniques of application of role playing games with students of Ivanovo Fire-Rescue Academy of EMERCOM of Russia, the preparation for a role playing game and its conduct. The article also notes the urgency of role playing games during fire-fighting specialist training for work in emergency situations and the significance of cooperation between executive officers of subdivisions and life-supporting services during firefighting.
Key words: Role playing game, training method, management decision, professional training, active cooperation, emergency situation, activity.
For citation
Belorozhev, O. N. Role Playing as a Method of Training Students of Institutes of Emercom of Russia for Active Cooperation in Emergency Situations / O. N. Belorozhev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №2. – P. 98-102.