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Modeling the Process of Flexible Foreign Language Reading in Interrelation with Writing and Speaking in Interactive Teaching Technologies
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Abstract: The article describes the process of formation flexible foreign language reading skills in interrelation with writing and speaking. This process is organized by means of patterns: a complex general pattern and simple particular patterns. The patterns are revealed on the core of general and particular characteristics of flexible foreign language reading. The authors consider how students of the Oil and Mining faculty are taught to use the patterns of reading while working on academic research projects. Step by step students move along the patterns’ algorithm which aims at their multiple speech practice in reading, imitating / creative writing, speaking and listening. All types of foreign speech activity are integrated in this process and it leads to the efficient result of the research projects: goal-tasks are solved, goal-outcomes are reached. The article is devoted to the formation of flexible foreign language reading skills in interrelation with writing, speaking and listening by means of the patterns. The skills help students understand the notional content of professionally oriented texts and fragments of the texts, perceive meaningful information and form a thorough information base which is necessary for research work and participation in interactive learning process.
Key words: Flexible foreign language reading, complex general pattern, simple particular patterns, interactive technologies, information, problem-solving tasks, research projects, goal-task, goal-outcome.
For citation
Serova, T. S. Modeling the Process of Flexible Foreign Language Reading in Interrelation with Writing and Speaking in Interactive Teaching Technologies / T. S. Serova, E. L. Pipchenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №2. – P. 89-97.