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Designing Lessons in Natural Science Subjects in Training the Bachelors of Pedagogical Education
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Abstract: To realize modern school education a future teacher must possess a complex of skills for exercising project activities. In the training of bachelors of education the role and importance of project activity increases significantly. Designing education process in natural sciences school subjects is an activity in preliminary development of interaction of the teacher and pupils, aimed at the formation of personal, metasubject and subject results and mastery of universal learning actions (personal, cognitive, regulatory and communicative) in accordance with the intended purpose and planned results. The essence of this work is to translate theoretical ideas into practice in the creation of projects that can be implemented in the education process of modern school. As far as the lesson is the main form of organization of education process, lesson design becomes a major task for the teacher. The goals of a modern lesson focus on the formation and development of the person using all the components of school education. Lesson designing consists of several stages: 1) plan, diagnosis, prognosis, assessment of the situation; 2) goal setting, planning, modeling, choice and decision-making in relation to the upcoming lesson; 3) monitoring, correction and evaluation of the results of the project implementation. Designing lessons gives meaning to pedagogical work. Designing lessons organizes sporadic actions, turns them into a system; that is why a modern lesson should be considered as a link of a well thought out system of design in natural scientific subjects in teaching undergraduate bachelors of education.
Key words: Pedagogical designing, project activity of a teacher, designing lesson, planned results.
For citation
Koryakova, M. L. Designing Lessons in Natural Science Subjects in Training the Bachelors of Pedagogical Education / M. L. Koryakova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №2. – P. 78-83.