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To the Question of Practice-Oriented Distance Learning at a Humanities University
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Abstract: The article discusses the problems of improving the quality of students’ acquisition of education programs in connection with the development of e-learning and distance learning technologies that involve a high level of academic technologizing. It discloses the urgent aspects of a practice-oriented approach to distance learning of the humanities students. In its first part, the article stresses the fact of poor preparation of modern Russian graduates of higher educational institutions for their future professional activity. It describes real facts of existence of the system of higher distance education based on current legislation. The author outlines the tendency of replacement of the traditional education by the practice-oriented one. He provides the basic modern approaches to understanding and defining the essence of practice-based learning. The article enumerates the essential features of a practice-oriented approach with regard to the higher education system. It presents the author's vision of the balance of knowledge-based and practice-oriented approaches (with regard to the specificity of the humanities). Then the author describes practice-oriented technologies in distance education. There is a need for integration of new technical means and new teaching technologies, i.e. the establishment of a comprehensive system of support of the education process (using new generation learning platforms with the inclusion of motivation component). In modern conditions, creation of university and institute practice-oriented sites (incubators) becomes an urgent task.
Key words: Practice-oriented learning, distance education, professional activity, practice-oriented technologies, education platform.
For citation
Ektov, A. V. To the Question of Practice-Oriented Distance Learning at a Humanities University / A. V. Ektov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 17-22.