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Pedagogical University Trade Union Organization: New Vectors of Development
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Abstract: The article presents traditional foundations of activity of the primary trade union organization of USPU and innovative programs defining the new vectors of its development. The authors describe the poly-functional model of activity of a trade union organization including various functions, goals and tasks. Effectiveness and quality of this activity are subject to sociological study and monitoring the feedback with the working collective. New innovative projects are described, among them: “Quality of Life of the University Staff”, complex program of social responsibility of the primary trade union organization of USPU and the project “Overcoming” (prevention of professional fading). The projects have their goals, tasks and ways to reach them. To promote professionalism, social reputation and image of trade unions of higher and vocational education in Sverdlovsk region, some elements of the program “Overcoming” were tested on the seminars for trade union leaders. The implementation of the program “Overcoming” will help to develop psychological resistance, professional mobility, ability and readiness of trade union members to master new technologies, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. At present, the primary trade union organization of USPU implements these projects not only in USPU, but in Sverdlovsk Regional Trade Union of Educational and Scientific Staff of the Russian Federation, and in the frameworks of the international project – Congress of Trade Union Members of Russian and Republic of Abkhazia.
Key words: Trade union organization, poly-functional activity, innovative projects, psychological climate, social partnership, social protection, labour rights and relations, collective bargaining, employer, monitoring, modernization.
For citation
Zabara, L. I. Pedagogical University Trade Union Organization: New Vectors of Development / L. I. Zabara, S. N. Malafeeva, T. M. Sadkina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 23-29.