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Polyartistic Approach to the Organization of the Education Process of Music Teachers at a Pedagogical Higher Education Institution
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Abstract: The article deals with organization of the process of training music teachers at a pedagogical higher education institution. The topic of article is connected with the problem of introduction of polyartistic approach in the process of training music teachers at a pedagogical higher education institution. The purpose of the article is to develop a model of realization of polyartistic approach in the process of training music teachers. The methods of research include modeling, analysis and generalization of material on music education of preschool children, pupils of secondary schools and systems of additional music education, students of pedagogical higher education institutions and colleges. The methodology of work is based on the idea of necessity of acquisition by the future music teacher of theoretical knowledge about the specificity of interrelation of arts, about the specific features of polyartistic education of pupils, of knowledge of methods and performing skills in implementation of polyartistic approach in educational and extracurricular activities of pupils, which forms the basis for modeling the realization of polyartistic approach in the process of training music teachers at a pedagogical higher education institution. The following results were achieved: the author worked out a block-modular model of realization of polyartistic approach in the process of training music teachers at a pedagogical higher education institution including the goal-setting, methodological organization-content and operational blocks. The scope of application of results embraces the theory and methods of professional pedagogical music education. The author comes to the conclusion that introduction of polyartistic approach in the process of training music teachers at a higher education institution could provide an effective solution of the problems of professional training of the music teacher.
Key words: Polyartistic approach, organization of education, music teacher.
For citation
Tagiltseva, N. G. Polyartistic Approach to the Organization of the Education Process of Music Teachers at a Pedagogical Higher Education Institution / N. G. Tagiltseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 147-152.