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Possibilities of Mutual Efforts Technology in Learning Linguistic Disciplines by Students of Technical University
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Abstract: The article is devoted to an urgent problem of further development of the definition of "pedagogical interaction". The author investigates the formation of communicative competence of students of technical universities in the course of studying linguistic disciplines; highlights their ability in enhancing cognitive activity and the transformation of the unilateral educational process into the interaction between equal participants. Modern concerns of teachers regarding the facilitation of the process of cognition resulting from the use of modern teaching methods in the study of difficult technical subjects are contradicted by the description of the technology of mutual efforts. Mutual efforts are manifested on reproductive-performing, organization-volitional, and creativeimprovisational levels. The article describes peculiarities of manifestation of mutual efforts on different levels at practical sessions and in a course of lectures. The description is based on examples from the experience of teaching of the disciplines “The Russian Language and Speech Culture” and “Rhetoric”. The author comes to the conclusion that training based on mutual efforts technology does not only help to provide a certain amount of knowledge, but also to form the skills of independent, creative learning, and ability to organize and to select material and to absorb large flows of information reflectively. These skills could be useful in acquisition of special subjects, the formation of professional competence and would lead to changes in relations between the participants of joint activities in various areas of social relations.
Key words: Communicative competence, mutual efforts technology, dialogic interaction, active forms of learning, speech culture, forms of existence of language, rhetoric art.
For citation
Khan, O. N. Possibilities of Mutual Efforts Technology in Learning Linguistic Disciplines by Students of Technical University / O. N. Khan // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №5. – P. 125-130.