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Research of the Knowledge of Senior Pupils About the Professional Demands for the Technical and Engineering Employees
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Abstract: The lack of engineers in industrial regions of the country is discussed in the article and connection of this problem with professional self-determination of pupils for engineering professions is revealed. For the purpose of studying the knowledge of senior pupils about engineering work peculiarities, professional skills and personal qualities of the modern engineer, a survey was held among pupils of 10-11 grades of Ekaterinburg schools No. 4, 134, 154 (102 pupils took part in it). The results of the survey are presented in the article: senior pupils understand the role of physics, mathematics, information technologies and engineering drawing in professional activity of engineers; most of the graduates have some ideas, being far from reality, of the requirements to the modern engineer, of their work at the factory, and of the special aspects of engineering thinking. To stimulate senior pupils to choose engineering professions, pupils should be acquainted with different activities of the modern engineer as early as possible. In particular, it is recommended to place emphasis on methods of practical realization of technical ideas: design, designing, invention; to show pupils the importance of development of physical, technical and design thinking inviting them for the exhibitions of technical innovations. It is noted that the results of research will be useful for educational institutions, helping them create profile classes of the technical and technological specialty or establish engineering lyceums.
Key words: Professional identity; engineering; research of awareness of senior pupils.
For citation
Nadeeva, O. G. Research of the Knowledge of Senior Pupils About the Professional Demands for the Technical and Engineering Employees / O. G. Nadeeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №6. – P. 77-82.