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Vizualisation in Teaching
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Abstract: The modern approaches to visual aspects in teaching are analyzed based on the achievements in Pedagogy, Psychology and Neurophysiology. The types of visualization and its role in the development of mental activity are studied. The proportion of visual and verbal components of mental activity in the development of a child is discussed. It is proved that this proportion depends on the age of pupils and the goal of training. The information on the role and place of visual images in the process of understanding of the material studied is provided. Special attention is paid to the definition of functions of visual images in teaching. The authors single out two main functions of visual images: 1) visualization should be a means of formation of visual components of mental activity and the ability to use them (the experience of sensual cognition); 2) visualization is a means of activation in definite educational situations (increasing of the levels of attention, motivation, processes of understanding and theoretical thinking).
Key words: Visualization; means of visualization; functions of visualization; mental activity; components of mental activity: image and word; increasing of one’s mental activity.
For citation
Usoltsev, A. P. Vizualisation in Teaching / A. P. Usoltsev, T. N. Shamalo // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №6. – P. 102-109.