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On the Possibility of Existence of a Legal Clinic in a Practice-Oriented Distance Learning in Higher Education
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Abstract: The article deals with the process of modernization of distance legal education in modern Russia, which places the emphasis on the development of practical training of future lawyers, in which clinical training plays an important role. The benefits of distance learning for both the student and the educational institutions are described. It is alleged that the practical, applied focus of training of the future lawyer is always connected with the requirements of employers. Pedagogical principles, the implementation of which ensures maximum efficiency of a practice-oriented focus of training of future lawyers in higher school and, consequently, the formation of professional competencies at the required level, are formulated. A historical overview of the development of clinical education in foreign countries and Russia is provided. The concept of clinical legal education is defined; two main approaches to the understanding of the term "legal clinic" are given. The author defines the value of the legal clinic as an organizational structure and a special training program; he analyzes the areas of its activity, studies the role of a legal clinic at the university determined by its value for students, teachers and customers. The article reveals the content and program of clinical legal education. The frameworks of distance clinical programs that include general and specific courses are identified. In conclusion, attention is focused on the disadvantages of legal clinics and ways to avoid them. Particular attention is paid to the final result of distance clinical training of students.
Key words: Legal education; legal clinics; distance learning; professionalism.
For citation
Ektov, A. V. On the Possibility of Existence of a Legal Clinic in a Practice-Oriented Distance Learning in Higher Education / A. V. Ektov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №6. – P. 146-151.