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Abstract: This paper addresses the questions of training of engineering specialties student advanced mathematics in the conditions of competence approach in education. Methodological approaches to the study of mathematics, which focus on the formation of engineering thinking of students, are discussed. The article discusses the question of proportion of the formal and practical content of mathematical subjects in the engineering training if further specialization of engineering activity is known (production, research, and universal). It is shown that the integration of mathematical and engineering subjects is a necessary condition for selection of the content of mathematical subjects for the formation of engineering thinking of students. The scheme of interaction of engineering and mathematical subjects to reach the objectives of formation of engineering culture of students is offered. The process of teaching mathematics as a means of creating cognitive abilities is revealed. It is concluded that the mathematical training of future engineers necessarily includes formal and practical content. The question of the influence of these components on the formation of engineering thinking with the introduction of new standards is particularly important. It is solved by the teachers of mathematics and engineering subjects taking into account the specialty of students
Key words: Engineering thinking; mathematical subject; applied mathematics; professional education.

For citation

Karpova, E. V. The Role of the Formal and Practical Content of Mathematical Subjects in the Formation of Engineering Thinking of Students / E. V. Karpova, E. P. Matveeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №6. – P. 50-55.