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Connection of the Studies Results of Technical College Students with Their Responsibility and Motivation
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Abstract: The article is devoted to discussion of the relationship between studies results of technical university students and such psychological qualities as responsibility and motivation, as well as the internality in the achievements, failures and interpersonal relationships. There was a research of interconnection of academic results and motivation of the students of the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Building of the Ural Federal University. The existence of such connection means that it is possible to improve academic results of a student influencing their personal and psychological state. It is necessary to develop and implement the system of increasing students’ responsibility and motivation. It should be born in mind that this connection is not linear, which means that the influence on a student shouldn’t be direct, it should be indirect instead. For example, teaching Physics and Mathematics it is necessary to underline their importance in solving tasks in the courses of Material Resistance and Theoretical Mechanics. While teaching special subjects it is necessary to attract the students’ attention to the fact that they will soon have to work on their diploma paper, without which graduation is impossible, and all the information taught in the courses will be necessary. The results of the study can be used to form the psychological and pedagogical interventions to improve the outcome of the examination session.
Key words: Psychological competencies; student; Scale of Internal; motivation, getting a diploma, marks for tests and examinations.
For citation
Bulatova, D. S. Connection of the Studies Results of Technical College Students with Their Responsibility and Motivation / D. S. Bulatova, Y. l. Liberman, A. A. Shadrina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №7. – P. 218-223.