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The Problems of Network Cooperation of Educational Establishments Showing Poor Results of the Studies
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Abstract: The article describes the problems of network cooperation between educational establishments; the main problems of the establishments showing poor results are described, including those, which should be immediately solved. The results of content analysis of normative documents and the results of the survey held in educational establishments to study the effectiveness of network cooperation are presented. The main conditions and mechanisms of network cooperation between educational establishments are discussed. The author comes to the conclusion that in the course of developing educational programs of different levels, the mechanism of end-to-end logistic flow of network cooperation (parameters of end-to-end logistic flow: starting and finishing points, trajectory and its length, via points, speed and time on the way) is the condition of successful pedagogical education. New approaches are necessary: logistic approach of network cooperation as a compined activity of educational establishments of different types having the same goals and tasks; the use of joint resources to create a combined mechanism, the result of which is the possibility of using resources of different educational establishments by the students in the course of their studies; training, re-training and skills development of the teachers in the context of understanding the essence and mechanisms of network cooperation between educational establishments to increase the results of the studies.
Key words: Network cooperation, logistic approach, promotion of network cooperation.
For citation
Trofimova, O. A. The Problems of Network Cooperation of Educational Establishments Showing Poor Results of the Studies / O. A. Trofimova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №7. – P. 250-253.