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Abstract: This article explores the role of concepts in scientific research, determines the essence of 'concept' and accentuates the most important functions of concepts in a pedagogical research. The article shows the role of normative and scientific concepts in the research; the necessity of a clear understanding of the essence of the key concepts for successful completion of students’ research works. Based on the special course, developed by the authors of the article, «Scientific and Normative Concepts in the Scientific Research» there was an experiment based on the definitions of the homogeneous concepts: deviant, deconditional and criminal. The specific feature of this article is that the students learn to give their own definitions of these concepts. The system of independent tasks was developed by the authors. The experience of pedagogical experiment with the students of the legal profession in the Ural State Mountain University, and with the students of pedagogical education, specialty — Educational Work Management and Jurisprudence at the Institute of Social Education of the Ural State Pedagogical University gives positive results. The article also indicates the perspectives for further research.
Key words: Concept, methodology, pedagogy, deviant, deconditional, criminal behavior of adolescents, independent work, technology definitions.

For citation

Galaguzova, Y. N. Independent Work of Students in Finding Definitions of the Key Concepts of Social and Pedagogical Researches / Y. N. Galaguzova, D. D. Mironov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №8. – P. 88-91.