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Individual Work of Blind and Visually Impaired Students with Academic Information: Problems and Recommendations for Their Solution
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Abstract: The article presents the results of surveys of students with visual deprivation, receiving higher education in the 2015–2016 academic year in educational institutions of higher education in Ekaterinburg. The survey allowed the author to identify, analyze and summarize complex issues arising from this category of students with special educational needs in the process of their independent work with training information. The existing Federal legislation in the field of education contains provisions on the organization of the educational process for persons with disabilities. But the results of the survey showed that these students still regularly face with a rather extensive set of problems in obtaining their higher education in conditions of inclusive education, including the process of independent work with educational information. To partially address the spectrum of problems the author identified and offered a list of recommendations on the organization of the educational environment in the educational institutions of higher education, to improve the activities of the teaching staff in conducting training sessions for individuals with profound visual impairment. The proposals for changes in the library services to the students with visual disorders and for the development of teaching materials taking into account the special educational needs of blind students are given.
Key words: Visually impaired people, blind and visually impaired students, professional education of the blind, individual work of visually impaired students with academic information, problems of blind students during the process of individual work with academic information.
For citation
Konyukhova, E. Y. Individual Work of Blind and Visually Impaired Students with Academic Information: Problems and Recommendations for Their Solution / E. Y. Konyukhova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №8. – P. 42-46.