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Technology of «Debates» as a Basis for Formation of Universal Educational Operations of Pupils
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Abstract: In this article the possibilities of formation of universal educational operations of pupils on the basis of the pedagogical Debate technology are considered. Realization of this technology is discusses with regard to the functions of socialization, education, development and training of pupils. Special attention is paid to the types of debate classes: the problem debate, express debate, mini-debate under the heading «What Would Be if...» generalizing debate classes and the modified debate. Classification of universal educational operations of pupils formed during debate is given: common cultural, intellectual, research, communicative, oratorical and civic. Planning of a debate class consists of several stages: 1) lead-in (distributing tasks and roles, explanation of the rules of the game, introduction of the initial thesis, study of literature, development of case concepts, development of criteria for evaluation of pupils, individual instructing); 2) realization (competent performance of roles and behavior of pupils during debate, observance of time during the lesson); 3) discussion (assessment of activity of all participants of debate, activity introspection). The debate classes will allow the teacher to develop their own approach to realization of the pedagogical Debate technology, and the pupils to create the universal educational operations, which are the basis for the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Education.
Key words: Pedagogical Debate technology, functions of debates, types of debates, formation of universal educational operations of pupils during debate, technology of debate classes.
For citation
Litovchenko, O. A. Technology of «Debates» as a Basis for Formation of Universal Educational Operations of Pupils / O. A. Litovchenko, N. E. Popova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №8. – P. 118-122.