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Orthodox Gymnasium: Quality of Knowledge or Quality of Faith?
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Abstract: The article investigates the educational experience of the Orthodox educational institution that has state accreditation for conducting teaching activities. It discloses educational and training opportunities of Orthodox pedagogy in cooperation that contributes to the spiritual and moral development of the individual student as a future subject of active creative activity in society: a responsible family man, a worker, a citizen of Russia. It clarifies the concept of spirituality, the place and role of knowledge and moral component in the formation of spiritual and moral competence of the child. It raises questions about the relationship between intellectual and religious components in the educational process of the Orthodox gymnasium. We underline the importance of continuous and multilateral form of children's traditional set of values of Russian society since the admission to the educational institution. The article highlights the advantage of the Orthodox educational environment for the development of the spiritual foundations of the personality of the child, the need for a productive cooperation between the state, the church and the family in the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. The model of pedagogical support of moral and spiritual development of the individual, based on Orthodox tradition, is presented as optimal in the historical conditions of our country for the formation of such qualities as civic consciousness, patriotism, sense of duty and responsibility, family and loyalty. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this model, which allows to increase the level of education and training of students throughout the pedagogical experiment in the context of their spiritual basis. The conclusion about the need to combine the intellectual and religious values based on the moral component in the successful socialization of the child as a responsible member of society, deliberately aimed at the creative activity and resistance to destructive external influences.
Key words: Orthodox gymnasium; Orthodox pedagogy; Orthodox faith; educational process; spiritual and moral education; spiritual and moral development; pedagogical support.
For citation
Sterkhov, A. A. Orthodox Gymnasium: Quality of Knowledge or Quality of Faith? / A. A. Sterkhov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №1. – P. 118-123.