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Historical Basis of Family and School Interaction
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Abstract: The article is written on a current topic related to the problems of generalization and systematization of the interaction of such socially important institutions as the school and the family. In this article the problem of family relationships and the school is seen as part of a multidisciplinary approach by referring to the historical origins of both European and Russian past. The article also presented the regional aspect of the considered subjects. The object of the research is to identify the historical roots of the mutual influence and interaction of school and family. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the influence of society on the development stages of family relationships and school development. Each new stage in the development of society brings changes to the participants of educational process. Many philosophers and teachers share the idea that one can not mechanically try to combine family and school activities. Coordinated interaction of these important institutions is necessary on the issue of a person education. A research of the origins of family relationships and school in the history of education shows that this interaction as a relatively mass phenomenon began with the emergence of industrial society, which confirms the idea of the socio-economic conditionality of education development. Gradually, from the object of pedagogical influence family turns into the subject of equal education process.
Key words: History of Pedagogy; interaction of school and family; pedagogical interaction.
For citation
Popova, M. N. Historical Basis of Family and School Interaction / M. N. Popova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №1. – P. 124-128.