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Development of Prognostic Abilities of a Person in Management and Administration
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Abstract: The issue of transformation of contemporary Russian education is discussed in the article. Special attention is paid to transition to activity-based model. Theoretical analysis focuses on the forecast for the future as one of the conditions of efficiency in contemporary society. The notion of prognostic abilities is defined. The article provides a review of the works covering the problems of prognostic abilities from the point of view of modern methodological approaches. It describes the structure and levels of prognostic abilities. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the roles of prognostic abilities in performing management and administration tasks. The empiric research proves the interrelation between prognostic and management abilities of students majoring in management. There is direct correlation between certain components of prognostic ability and such predictors of organizational and management potential of students as socio-communicative competence, communicative and personal potential, motivation for success, self-regulation and flexibility and strive for self-realization. The research contributes to the existing psychological studies that describe the phenomenon of prognostic abilities of a person, factors and mechanisms for their development. It is argued that it’s necessary to purposefully develop prognostic abilities of students majoring in management as a condition for their professional and personal competence.
Key words: Competence-based approach; prognostics; prognostic abilities; management; management abilities; communicative competence; self-regulation; self-realization; students.
For citation
Stepanova, L. N. Development of Prognostic Abilities of a Person in Management and Administration / L. N. Stepanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №11. – P. 109-116.