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Educational Dialogue as Factor of Positive Social Adjustment of Elementary School Students
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Abstract: The issue of positive socialization of junior pupils is quite relevant today that can be traced in psycho-pedagogical studies, and in the regulatory documents of the Federal level related to education. The beginning of schooling leads to a radical change in the social route of a child’s development. The learning process should not be just a system of knowledge, skills and competences, but also the conditions for the development of an individual, who should be able to interact with others in a constantly changing world. The educational dialogue is a unique form of communication – a subject-subject interaction in the format of "teacher-student" and "student-student", which can develop into fruitful cooperation in the group discussion in the formulation and solution of educational tasks. Productivity of a training dialogue in class depends on the implementation of a triad of tasks: cognitive, associated with the need to understand and to resolve a particular educational problem situation; communicative and developmental, where joint activeity leads to development of knowledge and skills of communication with other students; social and orientational, developing the qualities necessary for the adequate socialization of an individual. The purpose of the author's methodology of teaching dialogue to elementary school students at the lessons of the Russian language was to create suitable conditions at the lessons of Russia to carry on a dialogue aimed at positive socialization of junior pupils. Educational dialogue has the greatest possibilities to complete the above mentioned tasks. The educational dialogue at the lessons of the Russian language is to solve substantive problems caused by the phenomena being studied. But it is the dialogues that creates favourable conditions for the implementation of communicative and educational functions of teaching, in which students develop collaborative skills in group or in pairs. But the semantic content of the studied texts can (and should) be focused on understanding, discussing social and personal issues, that expand the field of the educational process, bringing it beyond the classroom. This methodology focuses on the specific cognitive, communicative, developmental and social-orientational functions; provides the corresponding text material; suggests a gradual change of roles of participants of training; implements a dialogue techniques; contributes to the development of pupils’ of social knowledge, social perception, social expressiveness, and interpersonal interactions, which are indicators of positive social adjustment.
Key words: Socialization of children; learning dialogue; primary school; personality development; junior pupils.
For citation
Zaitseva, E. A. Educational Dialogue as Factor of Positive Social Adjustment of Elementary School Students / E. A. Zaitseva, E. V. Korotaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №11. – P. 77-81.